Monday, April 04, 2005

angkor wat

angkor wat
Originally uploaded by douglasnz.
here we are in the ancient world of the temples!! we've been in Cambodia for a week now and spent 3 days exploring these awesome temples almost 1000 yrs old!! we hired a local guide on the first day to give us some history of the place and had a bike adventure the following day where we explored some of the more far-flung temples that are less frequented. felt like we were in a movie set most of the time - ready to run through temple doors to avoid the large rolling boulder!!
we've spent the last couple of days in a great lakeside guesthouse in Phnom Penh. the traffic is like a chaotic dance with mopeds weaving in and out of each other trying to cross at least 3 lanes of oncoming traffic. Had sobering day looking at the genocide museum and the killing fields from the Pol Pot regime.

next stop - vietnam


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