Monday, May 09, 2005

sunrise in treehouse

sunrise in treehouse
Originally uploaded by douglasnz.
This was the morning view from our deck in the treehouse.

The reason it's called the Gibbon Experience is due to the small group of Black Gibbons that live there. These are endangered and it's thought that the 100 that live here are the only ones left.

In the morning along with the sound of all the crickets and birds, the gibbons start singing at about 6am. It sounds like low slow whooping noises that get faster until they sound like a toy laser gun. This goes on for about 20 minutes then you'll hear nothing else from them for the rest of the day.

So in the morning when they start you have to jump on the zip lines and try to get to where the sound is coming from if you want a chance is find them.


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