Monday, May 02, 2005

Pha That Luang

Pha That Luang
Originally uploaded by douglasnz.
So here we are in Vientiane, Laos. To get here from Hanoi takes 24 hours on the bus. Now, we have enjoyed using buses, but began to feel we were neglecting other forms of transport.

So we flew

It was great! Check in at 8.30, depart at 9.30, arrive 10.30 and leave airport with luggage by 11.00.

Not loads for the backpacking tourist in Vientiane, but great french pastries and awesome Beer Lao. We hired a friendly tuk-tuk for the afternoon to try and see the main sights.

Pha That Lunag being the main one, pretty big gooden temple really, the tower you see is about 20m high. All painted gold, but sadly a bit overcast today so not shining away like usual.

Next was a version of their Arc de Triomphe, on which they have placed a plaque that reads, "This is a replica of the Arc de Triomphe, made from concrete which is not nearly so impressive when see up close" !! This was a bit harsh as I thought it was great fun.


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