Monday, May 09, 2005

willy the gibbon

willy the gibbon
Originally uploaded by douglasnz.
This is Willy, he is a baby black gibbon that was rescued from a local market.

It was incredible to be up so close to a gibbon (as we were never able to get close enough to see them in the mornings). To watch willy move around the trees, swinging and jumping was really cool. The plan is to re-habilitate him and settle him in with some of the local ladies.

Jeff (the guy who set up the project) is looking to provide a viable alternative economic option for the locals to hunting the animals and logging the wood.

So far it's working well, and an entire village now supports this project, all working for it in various ways. The government has noticed that it is working well (ie making money) and so are keen to help him expand the project throughout the park, and maybe even extend to others.


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